Baptism Classes will be on the second Monday of every month at 7:00 pm in the Rectory. Please call the Rectory Office at 973-539-7050 or email [email protected] to let us know if you will be attending the class.
The Sacrament of Baptism takes place every Saturday at 1:30 p.m. with a limit of two (2) children per Saturday.
**No Baptisms on the following weekends: The Saturday before Palm Sunday, Holy Saturday, Memorial Day weekend, Labor Day weekend, Thanksgiving Day weekend, Christmas weekend, and New Year's weekend.** Please call the Rectory Office to register at 973-539-7050 or email request to [email protected].
Baptism preparation meetings, are held the second Monday of every month at 7:00 pm in the Rectory. Please call the rectory to register, 973-539-7050 or email request to [email protected].
According to the diocesan regulations, arrangements should be made ONE YEAR prior to the date of marriage. Please contact the Parish Office for an appointment with the Pastor.
Please notify the Parish office or Religious Education office when a member of your family is in the hospital. We would like to be notified if you or someone in your family is unable to attend Mass and needs to receive Holy Communion.
The RCIA is a process of prayer, study and spiritual formation which prepares adults for their possible entrance into the Church. This process begins in September of each year. Any adult who is interested in learning more about their faith, call the Religious Education office at 973-539-6208.
(held in Church) Saturday 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm. For any other time, please contact the Rectory Office to schedule an appointment.